torsdag 21. november 2019

Deivos - "Gospel Of Maggots"

The number of excellent Death Metal bands from Poland is impressive and Deivos started adding to this tally back in 1997. Since 22 years ago they have released 5 full-length albums, the 6th is just around the corner, and changed all members except for Tomasz Kołcoń.

Mr. Kołcoń is the only founding member left, and a mighty fine riffmeister he is, but the centerpiece of this band goes by the name Krzysztof Saran. You have to really hate cowbells to not appreciate Mr. Saran's intense and expertly performed style of drumming. I don't, but you might, so be aware of the cowbell.


"Gospel Of Maggots" is Death Metal through and through, this album has no crossover appeal, and I can appreciate that. A narrow-minded approach isn't always best, I love a band like Enslaved for instance, but in this case it is.

To put it short: "Gospel Of Maggots" is one of the finest blastfests I've ever heard.


Deivos - "Gospel Of Maggots"

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